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Organized Pick-Up Basketball (Grades 7&8) Register View Cart

Registration Opens Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Dates: Thursdays, January 9, 2025 - February 27, 2025  
            *No Organized Pick-Up Basketball Thursday, February 20th*
: 6:00PM - 8:30PM
Ages: Boys & Girls in Grades 7-8
Location: Nauset Regional Middle School: Gym
Price: $20R/Per Child 

Program Description: Brewster Recreation, in partnership with the Lower Cape towns of Orleans, Eastham, Truro, and Wellfleet are collaborating to host organized pick-up basketball games for Brewster residents in grades 7&8. This program is set to take place at the Nauset Regional Middle School Gym on Thursday nights in January and February. Registered participants will be able to play in structured pick-up games alongside students from neighboring towns in a safe and supervised environment. Department representatives will be present for every session and will provide all equipment. 
*Only Brewster residents should register with Brewster Rec. Residents from other town are encouraged to register with their town's recreation department. 

What To Bring: Sneakers, active clothing, and water. Crocs and sandals are not permitted. Staff will provide pinnies. 

ScheduleOrganized Pick-Up Basketball Dates and Times 


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Organized Pick- Up Basketball (Grades 7&8) 
N/A 7 - 8 Th  01/09/2025 - 02/27/2025
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Nauset Regional Middle School: Gym
$20.00 Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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