Saturday February 22, 2025
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Indoor Pickleball - Indoor Pickleball Registration For Brewster Residents Opens Monday, November 4, 2024Registration For Non-Brewster Residents Opens Monday, November 11, 2024Saturday Indoor Pickleball: *Registration Required*Dates: Saturdays: February 8, 2025 - April 26, 2025 Time: 8:00AM - 11:00AM Ages: Men & Women Ages 18+Location: Eddy Elementary School Gym Price: $25R/$35NR (Registration Required) School Vacations Indoor Pickleball: *Drop-In/Open Play* Dates: February: Tuesday 2/18/25 - Friday 2/21/25 April: Tuesday 4/22/25 - Friday 4/25/25Time: 8:00AM - 11:00AMAges: Men & Women Ages 18+Location: Eddy Elementary School Gym Price: Free (No Registration Required) Program Description: As the weather gets colder, pickleball will be moving into the gym at the Eddy School. This will be in addition to the outdoor program that Brewster Recreation offers in the spring, summer, and fall. Three indoor courts are available and are open to all skill levels ages 18 and older. The rec department will supply portable nets, balls, and a few extra paddles as well as a whiteboard for court rotations. Registration and payment is required for Saturday play. The weeks of school vacations are FREE and do not require registration, just drop in! Live, laugh, play pickleball! What To Bring: Pickleball paddle, water, proper shoes and athletic attire. Indoor Pickleball dates and times.
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Lacrosse Clinic (Grades 4-7) - Lower Cape Youth Lacrosse Clinic: Grades 4-7 Brewster Recreation & Lower Cape Lacrosse are teaming up to offer another free indoor lacrosse clinic for children in grades 4-7.
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2025 Time: 4:00PM-5:00PM Ages: Grades 4-7Location: Eddy Elementary School Gym *Please enter through back gym door*Price: FREE! (registration required) Program Description: Join Brewster Recreation and Lower Cape Lacrosse for this lacrosse clinic offered to the local community. Students will learn the basic techniques of lacrosse and play organized games indoors in the Eddy School gym. Coaches from Lower Cape Youth Lacrosse will provide instruction and equipment, including soft sticks. This is a FREE program, however registration is still required.
Thursday February 27, 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Dodgeball (Grades 3-5) - Dodgeball (Grades 3-5) Registration For Brewster Residents Opens Monday, November 4, 2024Registration For Non-Brewster Residents Opens Monday, November 11, 2024Dates: Thursdays, February 27, 2025 - March 27, 2025 Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PMAges: Boys & Girls in Grades 3-5Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymPrice: $35R/$45NR/Per Child Brewster Recreation offers a $15 sibling discount for each additional child in the same household who registers for this program only. The sibling discount will be applied at the end of the checkout process. Registering for other sports/programs/activities does not qualify for sibling discount.Program Description: Participants will learn the basic techniques, skills and rules of dodgeball as well as play organized games in the gym. This supervised activity will be fun for all children! All equipment is provided. No experience necessary. What To Bring: Sneakers, active clothing, and water. Dodgeball dates and times.
6:45 PM - 8:45 PM
Pick-Up Basketball - Adult Pick-Up Basketball Adult Pick-Up Basketball Will Start Thursday September 19, 2024. Dates: Thursdays: September 19,2024 - August 7, 2025. *There is no Adult Pick-Up Basketball when school is closed and/or during school vacations.*Time: 6:45PM-8:45PM Ages: Men & Women 18+ Location: Eddy Elementary School Gym, Rear EntrancePrice: $5 drop in fee per person per day (Cash Only) Program Description: Held on Thursday evenings and open to all adults 18 and over. The Brewster Recreation open adult basketball program is back! Designed to create a positive opportunity for men and women to participate in pick-up basketball games, socialize, and be active in the Fall, Winter, and Spring months. To participate, simply arrive at Eddy Elementary School (park in back parking lot) enter though back gym doors, pay recreation staff member $5.00 cash, sign in and agree to the program waiver, and have fun! All ability levels are welcome to join. No experience necessary. Equipment is provided. What to bring: Basketball shoes, athletic clothing (white and/or black shirt/jersey) and water.Regional Pick-Up Basketball Opportunities
Saturday March 1, 2025
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Indoor Pickleball - Indoor Pickleball Registration For Brewster Residents Opens Monday, November 4, 2024Registration For Non-Brewster Residents Opens Monday, November 11, 2024Saturday Indoor Pickleball: *Registration Required*Dates: Saturdays: February 8, 2025 - April 26, 2025 Time: 8:00AM - 11:00AM Ages: Men & Women Ages 18+Location: Eddy Elementary School Gym Price: $25R/$35NR (Registration Required) School Vacations Indoor Pickleball: *Drop-In/Open Play* Dates: February: Tuesday 2/18/25 - Friday 2/21/25 April: Tuesday 4/22/25 - Friday 4/25/25Time: 8:00AM - 11:00AMAges: Men & Women Ages 18+Location: Eddy Elementary School Gym Price: Free (No Registration Required) Program Description: As the weather gets colder, pickleball will be moving into the gym at the Eddy School. This will be in addition to the outdoor program that Brewster Recreation offers in the spring, summer, and fall. Three indoor courts are available and are open to all skill levels ages 18 and older. The rec department will supply portable nets, balls, and a few extra paddles as well as a whiteboard for court rotations. Registration and payment is required for Saturday play. The weeks of school vacations are FREE and do not require registration, just drop in! Live, laugh, play pickleball! What To Bring: Pickleball paddle, water, proper shoes and athletic attire. Indoor Pickleball dates and times.
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Indoor Pickleball Clinics w/ Boost Pickleball - Junior Pickles Clinic (March 1st) Registration For Brewster Residents Opens Monday, December 9, 2024Registration For Non-Brewster Residents Opens Monday, December 16, 2024Junior Pickles ClinicsDates & Times: Saturday, February 8, 2025 @ 11:15PM-12:15PM Saturday, March 1, 2025 @ 11:15PM-12:15PM Saturday, March 29, 2025 @ 11:15PM-12:15PM Saturday, April 12, 2025 @ 11:15PM-12:15PMAges: Grades 1&2Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymnasiumPrice: $20R/$25NR/per child per sessionProgram Description: Through the use of fun games, challenges, and music, the Junior Pickles participants will learn basic fundamentals with a focus on teamwork, hand-eye skills and movement. Junior Pickles clinics are fast-paced, SUPER FUN sessions hosted by BOOST PB with certified youth developer and teaching pro, Corey Sprague. Space is limited. Equipment is provided, no experience necessary.What To Bring: All participants must wear proper athletic shoes that offer some support (no crocs, flip flops or sandals). Court style shoes recommended but not necessary. Proper athletic attire is expected. Participants are also asked to bring a water bottle and any pickleball paddle they own. Brewster Rec and BOOST PickleBall will also provide paddles as needed.Cool Cucumbers ClinicsDates & Times: Saturday, March 1, 2025 @ 12:30PM-1:30PM Saturday, March 29, 2025 @ 12:30PM-1:30PM Saturday, April 12, 2025 @ 12:30PM-1:30PMAges: Grades 3-5Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymnasiumPrice: $20R/$25NR/per child per sessionProgram Description: At this level the cucumbers begin their focus on playing the sport. Fun games and challenges are played to reinforce safe movement, paddle-to-ball contact and partner teamwork. 2024 had over 100 Brewster kiddos experience how cool it is to be a cucumber and yes, BOB SLINGER (ball machine) will be there! Space is limited. Equipment is provided, no experience necessary.What To Bring: All participants must wear proper athletic shoes that offer some support (no crocs, flip flops or sandals). Court style shoes recommended but not necessary. Proper athletic attire is expected. Participants are also asked to bring a water bottle and any pickleball paddle they own. Brewster Rec and BOOST PickleBall will also provide paddles as needed.Intro to Pickleball Clinic Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025Time: 12:30PM-1:45PMAges: Adults 18+Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymnasiumPrice: $25R/$30NR/per person per sessionProgram Description: BOOST PB with Certified Teaching Pro, Corey Sprague invites beginner adults to experience the country's wackiest and fastest growing sport. Intro to Pickleball 101 (PB 101) is for adults that have never played or have just started to play. Open to anyone regardless of athletic background. Basic rules, grip, body posture and ball contact will be covered. PB 101 is the perfect intro to the sport to get anyone started. Space is limited and equipment is provided.What To Bring: All participants must wear proper athletic shoes that offer some support (no crocs, flip flops or sandals). Court style shoes recommended but not necessary. Proper athletic attire is expected. Participants are also asked to bring a water bottle and any pickleball paddle they own. Brewster Rec and BOOST PickleBall will also provide paddles as needed.Beginner & Advanced Beginner Pickleball Clinic Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025Time: 11:30AM-1:30PMAges: Adults 18+Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymnasiumPrice: $50R/$60NR/per person per sessionProgram Description: This Beginner/Advanced Beginner clinic is an introduction and refresher to the sport. Materials covered: basic rules, proper grip, proper body posture, serving/return of serve and the most common mistakes to avoid. Light game play and scoring will be introduced, as well as how to play safely on the court. Pickleball is a lifetime sport that can be enjoyed with family and friends of all ages and athletic abilities. Learn, Laugh and Elevate with a BOOST! Space is limited and equipment is provided. What To Bring: All participants must wear proper athletic shoes that offer some support (no crocs, flip flops or sandals). Court style shoes recommended but not necessary. Proper athletic attire is expected. Participants are also asked to bring a water bottle and any pickleball paddle they own. Brewster Rec and BOOST PickleBall will also provide paddles for those, as needed.Learn to Play Clinic (Coached Game Play) Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025Time: 11:30AM-1:30PMAges: Adults 18+Location: Eddy Elementary School:GymnasiumPrice: $50R/$60NR/per person per session Program Description: Learn while you play. Open to advanced beginner level players to intermediate level players. All participants must know how to score and play the sport. Players will be placed with like abilities. Coach controlled play allows the player to make corrections in real time to better understand each unique situation presented on the court. In this session students will take a deep dive into proper positioning, game strategy and court awareness. Learn how to shade, square up and close gaps leaving your opponents frustrated causing more forced errors. From common mistakes to proper shot selection, it will all be covered. Learn, Laugh and Elevate with a BOOST! Space is limited. What To Bring: All participants must wear proper athletic shoes that offer some support (no crocs, flip flops or sandals). Court style shoes recommended but not necessary. Proper athletic attire is expected. Participants are also asked to bring a water bottle and any pickleball paddle they own. Hosted by Boost Pickleball
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Indoor Pickleball Clinics w/ Boost Pickleball - Cool Cucumbers Clinic (March 1st) Registration For Brewster Residents Opens Monday, December 9, 2024Registration For Non-Brewster Residents Opens Monday, December 16, 2024Junior Pickles ClinicsDates & Times: Saturday, February 8, 2025 @ 11:15PM-12:15PM Saturday, March 1, 2025 @ 11:15PM-12:15PM Saturday, March 29, 2025 @ 11:15PM-12:15PM Saturday, April 12, 2025 @ 11:15PM-12:15PMAges: Grades 1&2Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymnasiumPrice: $20R/$25NR/per child per sessionProgram Description: Through the use of fun games, challenges, and music, the Junior Pickles participants will learn basic fundamentals with a focus on teamwork, hand-eye skills and movement. Junior Pickles clinics are fast-paced, SUPER FUN sessions hosted by BOOST PB with certified youth developer and teaching pro, Corey Sprague. Space is limited. Equipment is provided, no experience necessary.What To Bring: All participants must wear proper athletic shoes that offer some support (no crocs, flip flops or sandals). Court style shoes recommended but not necessary. Proper athletic attire is expected. Participants are also asked to bring a water bottle and any pickleball paddle they own. Brewster Rec and BOOST PickleBall will also provide paddles as needed.Cool Cucumbers ClinicsDates & Times: Saturday, March 1, 2025 @ 12:30PM-1:30PM Saturday, March 29, 2025 @ 12:30PM-1:30PM Saturday, April 12, 2025 @ 12:30PM-1:30PMAges: Grades 3-5Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymnasiumPrice: $20R/$25NR/per child per sessionProgram Description: At this level the cucumbers begin their focus on playing the sport. Fun games and challenges are played to reinforce safe movement, paddle-to-ball contact and partner teamwork. 2024 had over 100 Brewster kiddos experience how cool it is to be a cucumber and yes, BOB SLINGER (ball machine) will be there! Space is limited. Equipment is provided, no experience necessary.What To Bring: All participants must wear proper athletic shoes that offer some support (no crocs, flip flops or sandals). Court style shoes recommended but not necessary. Proper athletic attire is expected. Participants are also asked to bring a water bottle and any pickleball paddle they own. Brewster Rec and BOOST PickleBall will also provide paddles as needed.Intro to Pickleball Clinic Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025Time: 12:30PM-1:45PMAges: Adults 18+Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymnasiumPrice: $25R/$30NR/per person per sessionProgram Description: BOOST PB with Certified Teaching Pro, Corey Sprague invites beginner adults to experience the country's wackiest and fastest growing sport. Intro to Pickleball 101 (PB 101) is for adults that have never played or have just started to play. Open to anyone regardless of athletic background. Basic rules, grip, body posture and ball contact will be covered. PB 101 is the perfect intro to the sport to get anyone started. Space is limited and equipment is provided.What To Bring: All participants must wear proper athletic shoes that offer some support (no crocs, flip flops or sandals). Court style shoes recommended but not necessary. Proper athletic attire is expected. Participants are also asked to bring a water bottle and any pickleball paddle they own. Brewster Rec and BOOST PickleBall will also provide paddles as needed.Beginner & Advanced Beginner Pickleball Clinic Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025Time: 11:30AM-1:30PMAges: Adults 18+Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymnasiumPrice: $50R/$60NR/per person per sessionProgram Description: This Beginner/Advanced Beginner clinic is an introduction and refresher to the sport. Materials covered: basic rules, proper grip, proper body posture, serving/return of serve and the most common mistakes to avoid. Light game play and scoring will be introduced, as well as how to play safely on the court. Pickleball is a lifetime sport that can be enjoyed with family and friends of all ages and athletic abilities. Learn, Laugh and Elevate with a BOOST! Space is limited and equipment is provided. What To Bring: All participants must wear proper athletic shoes that offer some support (no crocs, flip flops or sandals). Court style shoes recommended but not necessary. Proper athletic attire is expected. Participants are also asked to bring a water bottle and any pickleball paddle they own. Brewster Rec and BOOST PickleBall will also provide paddles for those, as needed.Learn to Play Clinic (Coached Game Play) Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025Time: 11:30AM-1:30PMAges: Adults 18+Location: Eddy Elementary School:GymnasiumPrice: $50R/$60NR/per person per session Program Description: Learn while you play. Open to advanced beginner level players to intermediate level players. All participants must know how to score and play the sport. Players will be placed with like abilities. Coach controlled play allows the player to make corrections in real time to better understand each unique situation presented on the court. In this session students will take a deep dive into proper positioning, game strategy and court awareness. Learn how to shade, square up and close gaps leaving your opponents frustrated causing more forced errors. From common mistakes to proper shot selection, it will all be covered. Learn, Laugh and Elevate with a BOOST! Space is limited. What To Bring: All participants must wear proper athletic shoes that offer some support (no crocs, flip flops or sandals). Court style shoes recommended but not necessary. Proper athletic attire is expected. Participants are also asked to bring a water bottle and any pickleball paddle they own. Hosted by Boost Pickleball
Thursday March 6, 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Dodgeball (Grades 3-5) - Dodgeball (Grades 3-5) Registration For Brewster Residents Opens Monday, November 4, 2024Registration For Non-Brewster Residents Opens Monday, November 11, 2024Dates: Thursdays, February 27, 2025 - March 27, 2025 Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PMAges: Boys & Girls in Grades 3-5Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymPrice: $35R/$45NR/Per Child Brewster Recreation offers a $15 sibling discount for each additional child in the same household who registers for this program only. The sibling discount will be applied at the end of the checkout process. Registering for other sports/programs/activities does not qualify for sibling discount.Program Description: Participants will learn the basic techniques, skills and rules of dodgeball as well as play organized games in the gym. This supervised activity will be fun for all children! All equipment is provided. No experience necessary. What To Bring: Sneakers, active clothing, and water. Dodgeball dates and times.
6:45 PM - 8:45 PM
Pick-Up Basketball - Adult Pick-Up Basketball Adult Pick-Up Basketball Will Start Thursday September 19, 2024. Dates: Thursdays: September 19,2024 - August 7, 2025. *There is no Adult Pick-Up Basketball when school is closed and/or during school vacations.*Time: 6:45PM-8:45PM Ages: Men & Women 18+ Location: Eddy Elementary School Gym, Rear EntrancePrice: $5 drop in fee per person per day (Cash Only) Program Description: Held on Thursday evenings and open to all adults 18 and over. The Brewster Recreation open adult basketball program is back! Designed to create a positive opportunity for men and women to participate in pick-up basketball games, socialize, and be active in the Fall, Winter, and Spring months. To participate, simply arrive at Eddy Elementary School (park in back parking lot) enter though back gym doors, pay recreation staff member $5.00 cash, sign in and agree to the program waiver, and have fun! All ability levels are welcome to join. No experience necessary. Equipment is provided. What to bring: Basketball shoes, athletic clothing (white and/or black shirt/jersey) and water.Regional Pick-Up Basketball Opportunities
Thursday March 13, 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Dodgeball (Grades 3-5) - Dodgeball (Grades 3-5) Registration For Brewster Residents Opens Monday, November 4, 2024Registration For Non-Brewster Residents Opens Monday, November 11, 2024Dates: Thursdays, February 27, 2025 - March 27, 2025 Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PMAges: Boys & Girls in Grades 3-5Location: Eddy Elementary School: GymPrice: $35R/$45NR/Per Child Brewster Recreation offers a $15 sibling discount for each additional child in the same household who registers for this program only. The sibling discount will be applied at the end of the checkout process. Registering for other sports/programs/activities does not qualify for sibling discount.Program Description: Participants will learn the basic techniques, skills and rules of dodgeball as well as play organized games in the gym. This supervised activity will be fun for all children! All equipment is provided. No experience necessary. What To Bring: Sneakers, active clothing, and water. Dodgeball dates and times.
6:45 PM - 8:45 PM
Pick-Up Basketball - Adult Pick-Up Basketball Adult Pick-Up Basketball Will Start Thursday September 19, 2024. Dates: Thursdays: September 19,2024 - August 7, 2025. *There is no Adult Pick-Up Basketball when school is closed and/or during school vacations.*Time: 6:45PM-8:45PM Ages: Men & Women 18+ Location: Eddy Elementary School Gym, Rear EntrancePrice: $5 drop in fee per person per day (Cash Only) Program Description: Held on Thursday evenings and open to all adults 18 and over. The Brewster Recreation open adult basketball program is back! Designed to create a positive opportunity for men and women to participate in pick-up basketball games, socialize, and be active in the Fall, Winter, and Spring months. To participate, simply arrive at Eddy Elementary School (park in back parking lot) enter though back gym doors, pay recreation staff member $5.00 cash, sign in and agree to the program waiver, and have fun! All ability levels are welcome to join. No experience necessary. Equipment is provided. What to bring: Basketball shoes, athletic clothing (white and/or black shirt/jersey) and water.Regional Pick-Up Basketball Opportunities